
Don, you mentioned the possibility of csome "caps" not being tightened enough........ do you have a recommended torque spec? a procedure to follow that yields consistent results?? could this even be a possible cause to think about is all I want to know.

as for beer, layin low a few days, damn liqour store screwed me, all out of 30 packs so I had to get 2 18's............ I'm gonna need a bigger recycle container.
Wow, the last three pages of this thread has taken up a sizeable chunk of my life. Interesting discussion, good discussion. It seems injectors are a big topic of debate for all diesel engines (performance world wise). Id say I have been learing a lot, but I dont want to be so arrogant. I dont claim to fully understand half of whats been talked about. I taken in a lot of info, thats for sure.

I have to say, Swole, your thee most likeable person ive ever encountered on a internet forum. Wish I could interact with other people as gracefully (and calmly).

Carry on.
I have to say, Swole, your thee most likeable person ive ever encountered on a internet forum. Wish I could interact with other people as gracefully (and calmly).

Carry on.

I keep a tab open with your carnage saga in firefox first and CompD second. It's like your favorite soap opera and you just can't wait for the next installment! Wish you were my local 5-0!
Just to break even on the parts and some f'tard comes on here and posts how we "make a fortune" on repairs. Stupid mfkr's are everywhere I guess.

LMFAO...."Stupid mfkr here"

Panties in a bunch?

Thing is, it ends up there are other places that build injectors, that will pick up the phone when you call.

Don't know about your business strategy of working in the shadows behind a group of dealers, but I guess its working as it always appears your buried in work.

AND For that matter mfkr I'm not begrudging you for "making your SMALL fortune" JEEZ I'll be the first to say the Flux 5's I ran were a damn fine product, ran as clean as the ones Marco sent Dave on startup........till the ball seats punched out that is.

And for the love of God if your going to whine about David not carrying you, he's done NOTHING but speak highly of your products......IF there was ONE guy on here that it would have paid to cater to on here for promoting your stuff on here its him.

EVEN when your Spartan Cam was on the early stages of chiting itself.......(Unlike mine that fully craped up my crankcase....) he kept it HUSH HUSH.

Can't say I did......I don't owe you chit......your parts fcked up my engine I let it be known.

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David has nothing to be sorry for! He's pimped something for a lot longer than others would have. I have a story about paying for some injectors and waiting 6 months for them to show up, after I payed for them..........but this thread is about SWOLE getting his truck running Finally

I'm just glad the cancer is cut out, and he can enjoy something he's put so much energy in!
David has nothing to be sorry for! He's pimped something for a lot longer than others would have. I have a story about paying for some injectors and waiting 6 months for them to show up, after I payed for them..........but this thread is about SWOLE getting his truck running Finally

I'm just glad the cancer is cut out, and he can enjoy something he's put so much energy in!

BS! lets get the story straight here. We received a set of totally rusted up, watered down injectors. They were destroyed from water in the fuel. There was even a note in the box stating so. They had Flux 3 nozzles on them. 3 of which were rusted out bad enough that they were no longer usable. I waited on an answer of what to do with these injectors. And waited some more. Finally, I was instructed to send the nozzles back, but they were for the most part, no good. I transmitted I would make you guys some brand new nozzles out of the newest Bosch part and forward them over. NO CHARGE! For your water damage!! Well in case you did not know, there was a national back-order on Bosch parts for months. And there still remains a part shortage up to now. As soon as I could get some nozzles and schedule them to be made up, I did.

I shipped them to you NO CHARGE! I did not ask for any payment! For this I received a *****in' from you about how you had to wait.

You have avoided giving any credit for your 25K win with the 6.7 too. I hope you have great success in your racing and win 25K more, but this demanding attitude is uncalled for.

I hope the solution to the stock Cummins tappet mated to a steel cam is now worked out. Turns out the hardness of the Cummins tappet is not consistent. This is why some lobes show little wear and some wipe completely off the cam. Once that tappet begins to break down the oil interface is gone.
BS! lets get the story straight here. We received a set of totally rusted up, watered down injectors. They were destroyed from water in the fuel. There was even a note in the box stating so. They had Flux 3 nozzles on them. 3 of which were rusted out bad enough that they were no longer usable. I waited on an answer of what to do with these injectors. And waited some more. Finally, I was instructed to send the nozzles back, but they were for the most part, no good. I transmitted I would make you guys some brand new nozzles out of the newest Bosch part and forward them over. NO CHARGE! For your water damage!! Well in case you did not know, there was a national back-order on Bosch parts for months. And there still remains a part shortage up to now. As soon as I could get some nozzles and schedule them to be made up, I did.

I shipped them to you NO CHARGE! I did not ask for any payment! For this I received a *****in' from you about how you had to wait.

You have avoided giving any credit for your 25K win with the 6.7 too. I hope you have great success in your racing and win 25K more, but this demanding attitude is uncalled for.

I wasn't saying any thing about the 5.9 nozzles. The 6.7's are the ones I was talking about. There was a breakdown in communication somewhere, and I can live with that. I'm not gonna get in a pissing match with you......you have a reputation, and you've lived up to it.

If you want the 3.3's back, they are still in the box. I'm no better than the next guy, but don't act like you are perfect. If you wanna continue this, send me a pm and I'll give you my phone #.

Thank you all for the kind words and trying to defend me!
I really do appreciate it.

My goal has never been to and will never be to drag anyone threw the mud. I'm appreciative of All the help I've recieved and only hope to represent those that help / helped in a positive manner...

I love motorsports and always have.. I've been involved with cars, motorcycles, and now Diesel's for 31 years.. I will always support and promote those that I believe in.
I still believe in F1 and Don. I just really want / need to enjoy the truck that I've spent the last 3 years working on..Thank you Marco for lending your injectors to me!!

Thanks again everybody!

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like my oldest daughter tells me in text messages when I tell her "i love you"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thats ghey ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Just tryin' to lighten things up a bit. Every time my daughter says that to me I laugh
Well I feel bad that I've done anything to make see me in this light Don.
I've taken LOTS of chit from the F1 haters over the years especially given my history... I defended you guys when everyone else tried to blame you...
That's a fact..Both publicly here and behind the scenes in PM's and otherwise..

I guess all I can say is, Thank you for sticking with me all this time!

I can attest to this, I had a friend with some low mileage Flux 2's that went bad, I believe 1 had a cracked SS body and another had a bad solenoid I believe. I texted David because I knew he dealt more directly with Don than anyone, unfortunately that chain wasn't going to work so we contacted Source Auto. But David was more than willing to help and I can't say I would expect more than a handful of people I know from these boards to be willing to do that communicating for me.

Thanks David and Congrats!
I think you people should stop trying to hot rod common rails!!!
Totally demoralized a 6.0 Pont. GTO last night with 2 roll ons.... :)

I Love having a truck that runs!! :)

That is all...