What wax do you use?


popcorn playa
Apr 23, 2006
What wax do yall prefer? Which is the best? I'm going to be waxing my truck here pretty soon and I want to make sure that I use the good stuff. :smileglasses:
Well, Andy is going to come in here and tell you to use the stuff he uses...
I've tried many different waxes and polishes. Meguiars NXT is the latest one I tried. In liquid form, frankly I wasn't impressed. Smears instead of the "easy on easy off" claim they make....:umno:
The best I've used so far is Meguiars Gold Class in the PASTE (here again, tried the liquid...not impressed..I've been using that to add to my reloading media to polish cases..THAT it does well LOL )
The paste works very well if you apply it and remove it correctly. Application is pretty straight forward as long as you don't put too much on. You do that, you're in for a job (smearing again)
If you apply just enough, it will dry and a microfiber cloth will take it off. The first time I used it, I was absolutely amazed by the size of the water beads when it rained..(doesn't take much to impress me I guess LOL)
Other than that, some people swear by zaino. I have never tried their system, all I know it that it's rather expensive.

I've had good luck with Meguiar's other paste waxes, for an off-the shelf wax I think it's hard to beat.
I was very impressed with the Gold Class by Mequiars. It did a good job on my truck and my truck is black.
I have been using Mothers. I almost got suckered into Adams polish but the stuff was $120 for the kit and I was feeling cheap that day
Blue Coral Revive. Its amazing stuff! gets out water spots and oxidation too. hard to find though...
partsguy662 said:
Well, Andy is going to come in here and tell you to use the stuff he uses...

You are wrong LOL because the last personal vehicle I waxed was a '98 Black Sahara (because it was SMALL and BLACK) back in 1998 and that was 5 vehicles ago including the Passat.

I refuse to wax anything since I trade every 14-20 months.

Waxing is the next owner's problem as far as I'm concerned.LOL
I use Presta Fast Wax. Andy hooked me up with it,and I can wax the whole truck top to bottom in 30 minutes in direct sunlight. it doesn't last as long as some waxes, but it is quick, and wont wear you out doing it.
Actually that was 6 cars ago....that 98 Exploder was very easy to forget.LOL

IMO Zymoil and Meguairs make good stuff but I won't be using it simply because I don't wax.

I have the airplane guys pre-flighting with Fast Wax because they can do a whole 4 seat single engine plane in 30 minutes. It won't last as long as paste but they don't have that kind of time either. RV'ers use it for the same reason.
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I use Protect-All most of the time,on and off easy and it works on
glass and black plastic. No white stuff on the black trim.
MacB said:
I use Protect-All most of the time,on and off easy and it works on
glass and black plastic. No white stuff on the black trim.

Out of curiosity is this a thin liquid type product that skims over fast?
Protect-All looks like white glue out of the bottle. You don,t have to wait
for it to skim over.The directions tells you you can use the same rag to apply
and take off. I get it at Walmart,s or RV store.
Same as Tim , Andy hooked me up with some Presta Fast Wax.. orks pretty good.
Damn if I was curious about this Rain-X spray on wax when I seen it in the store, I figured what the h*** . Tried it out on one of my cars and with all the rain we've been getting here-it still looks pretty damned good.....
RacinDuallie said:
Damn if I was curious about this Rain-X spray on wax when I seen it in the store, I figured what the h*** . Tried it out on one of my cars and with all the rain we've been getting here-it still looks pretty damned good.....
Yea that is the last kind I used. Worked pretty good for a spray on.