Wheel Speed

Im in the same boat as you and cant afford a full drivetrain swap for this season. I talked to brad from scheids and what he told me was for the 2.8 class they like to run a 15.50 to 16 final. Our low 3rd is 16.07 and low 4th with 4.10s and a 6 speed is a 15.54. In mph that is not that different so he basically told me to save my money and put some rpms behind it.

I'd have to agree with the above post. Unless your going to re-gear to 5.xx front and rear I'd get the rpm's up and see how it does. There's a reg cab around here that's doing real good but he carries big rpm's.
Yup!!! And if your truck can turn more then 4500 you must have a recall tach.
Well that makes the whole wheel speed thing a lot more expensive.
I would just save up and get a nv5600, i pulled 4th low with 3.54 and i hooked good to the track, Tory tried everything to try to beat me, 5th low 2nd high, i would of like to known what my actual wheel speed was
Are the smokers the only ones with that rule?

With the advent of the standalones, and the redline, I really think that either no rpm limit, or a recall tach for all participants.
Yeah we are the only ones with that rule. We voted on it when we first started and majority wanted a RPM limit. It's probably time to get rid of it but I think the rules are set in stone for this year? Could bring something up to Matt and we could vote on it.

Yeah that VP truck did run pretty coulkd down the track. But with that big chrager he was limited to that one gear. One night me and him pulled with the stock trucks for fun and I mustered off 5th low and pulled 320ft then he tried 2nd high and got125ft and fell off the charger. Went back and pulled 4th low and put 10ft on me.

Back on topic yeah you need more wheel speed. Either gear change or Transmission change.
I have yet to see, or hear about a VP going over 4500rpms, even with the redline unlimited most still couldnt get the vp to go past 4200, i know of one guy that could get it to go to 4400.
With the advent of the standalones, and the redline, I really think that either no rpm limit, or a recall tach for all participants.

I say no rpm limit but what do I know I'm just a bummy that don't run any electronics.
I say keep it I cant turn 4500 anyway :frown:

I wound't try to figure what gears to pull with basid on that st. charls pull. (not saying you are I just think it is a bad example)
that was the loosest track I pulled on all year, I think I even picked up 3 or 400rpm there.

I will agree though you definatly need a gear change. I think you have the same problem I do. 1 gear to high 1 gear to low
I have yet to see, or hear about a VP going over 4500rpms, even with the redline unlimited most still couldnt get the vp to go past 4200, i know of one guy that could get it to go to 4400.
My truck turned 4510 on the recall once last year with my Redline unlimited, but the fr locker disengaged mid track. For most part you are correct, it usually only went to 4200ish