Who disagrees with me that this is nos?

And you want to blame that on him. He didn't know he was going to be teched. If you guys think he cheats all the time then why don't you call him out?
I was at a pull one night before I even knew him and he was accused of NOS. 3 guys went all over his truck and found nothing. He even offer the person who was accusing him of it to look it over. Now if he had something to hide you think he would offer a fellow competitor a chance to search his truck. This is turning into a bad episode of COPS.

Friday night I seen a truck drop to the last hook in the class because his torque converter lockup wasn't working. Yeah it's legal but who checks that right before they hook to see if it will lock?

Well we dropped to last because we were wanting to cheat duh... Actually its checked everytime because it has failed before. But I like the cheatin thing better:clap:
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do find the airbag discussion interesting. Does this truck have blocked solid suspension? If so and the bags are just there cause he hasn't taken them off, then why does the truck set the rear when he starts off the the line in this video. That truck had travel under the stops before it left the line. if the bags are there they need to be dead headed so no air can be added except by a hose from outside the truck. I call a cheater!!!!

6 8 13 Marshfield 001 - YouTube

Ouch. Yes, the stops are down in wholes to prevent axle wrap. He told me that Saturday, actually thought it was cool!
Like I said its legal to do that. Just like air bags are legal. I don't check my switch and a lot of guys don't run air bags.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do find the airbag discussion interesting. Does this truck have blocked solid suspension? If so and the bags are just there cause he hasn't taken them off, then why does the truck set the rear when he starts off the the line in this video. That truck had travel under the stops before it left the line. if the bags are there they need to be dead headed so no air can be added except by a hose from outside the truck. I call a cheater!!!!

6 8 13 Marshfield 001 - YouTube

You need to look again, look at the distance between the fender and the tire. Does that change? Not the rear hook point. It appears to me that the fender to tire distance along the vertical centerline doesn't change, and if it does it isn't by much.
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Well we dropped to last because we were wanting to cheat duh... Actually its checked everytime because it has failed before. But I like the cheatin thing better:clap:

Who checks there w2a pumps? Who checks four wheel drive? Who checks the electric water pump? Me me me, Tim and I have seen more stupid failures that have made me lose pulls that could have been prevented with a simple look over. The converter not locking is a huge issue that can do a lot more than make you lose. If you knew half of how detailed Tim and I are you would get it. I try and have my a game, you don't bring your a game with stupid issues.
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I think that's great. I check my pumps too. I wasn't calling you out I was just making a simple comparison on how such a little comment can be taken different ways. Some might say you fell to the back for a advantage. "Who checks their switch to find such a thing" same as "why would any 2.6 truck have airbags". Just making a point not saying a word about you cheating. Both instances are perfectly legal.
Can checking my switch be used to cheat? Can airbags be used to cheat? Yea, same difference all right!
I hide NOS inside my NOS and keep the outer bottle empty and unhooked so people wont suspect im cheating
I never accused you of cheating at all Rob. I'm just making the valid point that you dropped last in the class, that "could" have given you an advantage. Kinda like you think Garry's air bags give him an advantage. Both are legal. If you think he's cheating with them than protest him! I'm not comparing your switch to his airbags I'm comparing the situation.
Maybe Garry hides it in his bags and when the sled loads his rear it pushes it put through his frame rail into his air intake.....
Maybe Garry hides it in his bags and when the sled loads his rear it pushes it put through his frame rail into his air intake.....

I freakin knew it..... Well kudos to him for nobody finding it and him getting an extra $50.
I have no reason to protest anyone. I get a long with pullers all over the country, I have won several national events, and lost many. Your lock up switch theory is good, and I have dropped to last when I had the option, with that many trucks it would have been a waste of my time, I'd rather get it over with. Make smart a$$ comments all you want. I'll see you all on the track. Sedalia is a good horsepower track, I'll be there Friday!
Rob I know how good your truck runs. I gotta a lot of work to do if I think I'm going to beat you.
You need to look again, look at the distance between the fender and the tire. Does that change? Not the rear hook point. It appears to me that the fender to tire distance along the vertical centerline doesn't change, and if it does it isn't by much.

I did i've watched that 3 seconds right when it leaves about 30 times. That trucks suspension drops before the tire squat. So the question is was the hitch checked with the bags supporting the weight or the stops? I would like to see how the truck acts at the end of the run.
Everyone keeps asking if it was NOS...that's pretty specific for a tech, what about nitrous express or ZEX? Those ok to run?
I been tied up all day working on a truck, grain cart and wheat harvest, glanced at this from my phone but no time to post. No nitrous, I do have air bags, the compressor is unplugged or the fuse pulled before every pull. It's the little firestone compressor that comes with the kit, takes 3 to 4 minutes to air the bags up to set the suspension height and then run the stops down. On a long haul I air the bags down, the truck rides much smoother on the trailer. Tim H you are f...... liar saying you have seen my air bags gained air going down the track!!!! This is all bull sh.., my truck liked the single tire rule, it worked better than some others. This is the first time I ever beat Rob, not positive on Craig. They are both strong trucks, I don't care how good you are their is always someone out there on the right day and right track you may get beat fair and square. Our truck is a constant work in progress, very rarely does it have the same setup as it had the week before. Sometimes I go forward sometimes backwards but always trying to improve. I won that night, it may be a different story next pull out, sh.. happens. I used to have respect for some of these competitors and the all the bullsh.. whining, blatant lies and accusations changes all of that!