billet input shaft test.

Just got through reading the rest of this thread, Lee I did not know this, how does one get the stock shaft input warranty?

All Genuine Mopar parts come with a warranty! Sorry I forgot this>:evil
I had one of those Opie 2yr warr. shafts in my truck.. Broke on the 1st wot test pass on the street in 2 wheel drive..

Shipped it back to Opie.. He ship me back a real nice letter i still have it here on my shop wall for all my customers to read..

I now use Sonnax!

Your not the first to have run into that problem I promise you.
I had one of those Opie 2yr warr. shafts in my truck.. Broke on the 1st wot test pass on the street in 2 wheel drive..

Shipped it back to Opie.. He ship me back a real nice letter i still have it here on my shop wall for all my customers to read..

I now use Sonnax!


Sonnax did'nt give the common curtisy of a formal letter? :lolly:

I guess that's what happens when your parts stay in one piece!:hehe:

Good parts and no excuse = hard to find.

Where is rich buckley anyway?
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Very Unprofessional.....

Otherwise I gue$$ that’s racing.

I've just read this whole thread from start to finish - my eyes are bleeding but I did learn a few shaft twisting and polishing techniques. :woohoo:

As a newcomer to the diesel performance world, I utilized the search feature on this forum of very knowledgeable diesel enthusiasts and happened upon this thread.

First and foremost, I am enlightened by Olee Poole and his sense of professionalism. No need to argue over the material things, just post up the nice "warranty letter" sent directly from the manufacturer for all of your valued customers to see. I like that approach - simple and effective. This letter will show the customer base the integrity, or lack there of, behind said product manufacturer and why you do not recommend their products. A product is only as good as the integrity of the company or the person behind it.

Olee Poole, you, although I have never met you or know you from Adam, are a true businessman that one day I hope to conduct business with.

Opie, as a retired businessman in other aspects of product manufacturing and production for general public usage, I would like to offer some words of wisdom. Word of Mouth is the best advertising you can possibly obtain - hands down. When you are perceived as talking down to your customers, mocking their use or misuse of your product, or labeling those customers as morons - you simply look bad, very bad, in the eyes of other potential customers. Your name, branding and product reputation become tarnished and your customer base becomes smaller and smaller. Even more so in today's digital era where a simple google search of your product offering yields a direct link to this thread.

Above is a quoted snip of your post that I would like to express a professional opinion on. It is not just racing! To some of the people purchasing your products (your customers) this is their way of life. They eat, sleep and $hit racing. They, and their reputations, depend on the very parts they purchase from you. Your customers are always pushing the limits, getting better and producing more HP year in and year out, year after year. It is your job as a businessman to be fluid and adapt to the "needs of your customer". Any businessman, or woman, would eagerly and humbly take note of the valuable customer feedback in this thread and look at it as "constructive criticism". This information would then be utilized to spearhead the scrutinous product research and development protocols to fulfill the "needs of your customers" through innovative product designs. You yourself stated that your customers are pushing the envelope year after year. This should be a wake up call that your products need to, and are expected to, grow and get better - just as your customers are. From what I have just read and comprehended, your product development is sitting stagnant at the moment and you are expecting everyone to except the fact that this is the best you can offer.

The perception of your current stance on customer support, based from the posts I have just read that were posted by you, is this - Here is my product, if it breaks it was your fault. If it doesn't break I have the best product in the world. I really do not understand the perceived stance you have elected to take within your business model, your marketing collateral's and your customer support issues.

With this being said, I am just a little fish in a lake of big fish where diesel performance is concerned. Hell, I only plan on ever needing one, maybe two, input shafts in my "performance hobby" career. However, as an educated consumer I would rather buy a hundred input shafts from someone who stands behind their product with integrity as well as express concerns for my needs, rather than purchase a single product from a company that will not stand behind it, all the while, belittling the customer and trying to pin the failures of the product on them. Not very professional...... IMHO

I am in no way trying to start a debate, flame or belittle anyone. I am merely offering an honest observation from across the room. From what I have just witnessed in this thread, I will be taking my business to a company that is willing to listen to and meet the needs of their customers without belittling them.

Kind Regards,
John Swank
I think this is an extenuating circumstance. To many of these and a small company can fail pretty quick. Some like to take advantage of it
I think this is an extenuating circumstance. To many of these and a small company can fail pretty quick. Some like to take advantage of it

Plenty of these shafts have been twisted and or broken not sure how it is extenuating circumstances and I also have talked to a few other who received the same denials of warranty. I have also seen the manufacturer make claims these failures don't happen.
Extenuating meaning take a loose convertor and have the shaft let go at the line or at lockup with XXXX amount of power.

Does sonnex and tcs offer a warrenty? I dont think my tcs shafts have warrenty
Fact: everyone's billet shafts break.
We're pushing these things so far past what they were built for these days it's not even funny. There are NO unbreakable parts on the market. if you choose to ready to pay. End of discussion.

Another Fact....Opie's shafts have done me right and I'll continue to use them in the future. If I break one...I knew going in that I was pushing the limits. If I break the stock diameter one I run now...I'll upgrade to the Phat Shaft and try again...what I won't do is cry about breaking a part...ever.
I may cry about it but I wont ***** about it unless it is an obvious defect.
This is High Performance, there is no warranty...:bang

I agree. Most HP parts are not warrantied and for good reason. The only warrantied part we use and Never have to worry about denial is Dave Goerends trannies. If we can break them, he'll replace them. Other than that, we're on our own.
You might want to try the new shaft from Suncoast, it makes the fat shaft look anorexic.:hehe:

I haven't seen it and it very well may.
Any of my future trans work will be by Garmon and Phil Taylor....I'll run what they work with.
This is High Performance, there is no warranty...:bang

Fair enough but is it fair to use that as an excuse? I mean if I go and start making shafts out of plastic and sell them as high performance parts. When they break is ok for me to use this disclaimer?

I know its a bit extreme of a example but you get the point. I guess for me the most bothersome part is the claim of "SUPERIOR PARTS" yet breaks like any other then runs around and belittles people when they claim one of these parts fails or denies that any of these parts fail for any reason other than operator error. This is not an isolated case. :soap:
Plenty of these shafts have been twisted and or broken not sure how it is extenuating circumstances and I also have talked to a few other who received the same denials of warranty. I have also seen the manufacturer make claims these failures don't happen.

I may cry about it but I wont ***** about it unless it is an obvious defect.

Fair enough but is it fair to use that as an excuse? I mean if I go and start making shafts out of plastic and sell them as high performance parts. When they break is ok for me to use this disclaimer?

I know its a bit extreme of a example but you get the point. I guess for me the most bothersome part is the claim of "SUPERIOR PARTS" yet breaks like any other then runs around and belittles people when they claim one of these parts fails or denies that any of these parts fail for any reason other than operator error. This is not an isolated case. :soap:

So whats your story?..i mean your opie shaft breakage story.

All i can gather is your account opened after this thread started and you just started your nonsense posting today. No story?
Im not supporting anyone in this thread, but really? What do you expect in a 7000lbs truck that makes 1000hp...warranty shouldent even cross your mind.

If it does you spent your money in the wrong sport! Maybe the import scene will treat you better...
Completely agree Wade, there are no WARRANTYS in our sport, forget it. But I will say this, if you are gonna put a warranty on a HIGH PERFORMANCE part and the customer breaks it then you should replace it. If your product is constantly being broke than either take another look at your product or adjust your warranty to fit.
So whats your story?..i mean your opie shaft breakage story.

All i can gather is your account opened after this thread started and you just started your nonsense posting today. No story?

LOL well I had no knowledge of this thread until today as you can clearly note by me not posting in it till today. I have browsed this site for some time before creating an account on this forum. (this type of posts is the reason why). Might want to check my activity a little closer and my post count before insinuating I am some sort of troll.

I my self have not broken any of Opie's shafts I have however seen the fore mentioned shaft's and the denial of them being damaged or broken in another forum. I do believe he builds quality shafts how ever I am simply pointing out that every shaft can be broken. The fact that he bad mouths his competition and acts like his product is "superior" then trashes people who claim they damaged one of his products is what bothers me. As every one here seems to be fully aware of we are doing thing with these shafts that they were not even remotely designed for. Hope that clears things up a little.

Im not supporting anyone in this thread, but really? What do you expect in a 7000lbs truck that makes 1000hp...warranty shouldent even cross your mind.

If it does you spent your money in the wrong sport! Maybe the import scene will treat you better...

Not sure if this is directed at me but I agree with you on that. I was simply pointing out that your previous statement is not always applicable. Hell I just stripped the bolts out of my converter. I didn't claim it was anyone's fault other than mine for racing a 7500 lbs 800hp tank down a 1/4 mile in less than 12 seconds. (That sounds even crazier when you see it in text)

As I stated before I have nothing against Opie's products.
All Genuine Mopar parts come with a warranty! Sorry I forgot this>:evil

So this is after you buy a the replacement part you get this warrantee?

How long is it good for?

I had one of those Opie 2yr warr. shafts in my truck.. Broke on the 1st wot test pass on the street in 2 wheel drive..

Shipped it back to Opie.. He ship me back a real nice letter i still have it here on my shop wall for all my customers to read..

I now use Sonnax!

Olee, I was the one that decided to end our business relationship. I can elaborate if you like.