compound setup

well I just recomfirmed everything. the power screw is s far as she will go in. def need a longer one. I have a denny t fuel pin but its a level one. would a two make a difference? egts nevergot above 1100 even brake boosting it in 2nd gear. btw its got a 4500 in it now. decent smoke but feel she has more potential
That longer power screw will give it alot more fuel. Its a good mod for the money.
im gunna order one tomorrow. but now after messing with it when I shift or go to a coast it take a little longer than normal for the revs to come down. my idle is adjusted pretty good and throttle linkage isn't hanging up. think its the fuel screw??
Lift pump?

I'll suggest the m&h timing spacer also. When you order parts tomorrow.