Deranged carnage solved

This powerstroke guy Counted on the company that put the kit together to use a quality filter. I should't have been so trustful.

Tim, in so many words this is what I was beating around the bush with in regards to the filter selection.. This isn't a "well this one fits and filters, let's use it" situation.

The company that put this kit together should have been responsible for reading through the filter specs and selecting a proper filter. I appologize if this sounds arrogant (I'm in no way meaning it to sound so, but it is really tough to judge tone online) but I have always said negative things about remote oil filter kits... I've said it here as well as other sites.. I just don't like them.

If they didn't use a proper filter, they should be paying for the fix. Peroid. You may not have expressed warranty, but there is still a duty of care for the parts to perform properly as advertised. Your lawyer should have no issue with that, especially if the filter isn't designed for that application.

If this is all old news I also apologize.. I've been gone for a week and just got back. I'd love to hear the latest.