Fass sump

It might help with sucking air but I don't see how it would help keeping pressure.

With a pump that can seperate air all of the time, why would it matter? The air separation system should be taking it out correct?
I'll be waiting for the new literature they put out that will have 1000 reason why our kit doesn't work now LOL Happens every time. Good looking piece though. Hope it works well.
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Nice lookin' piece....but I can only assume the historical 1/8 tank issue will apply to this as well since the volume is so low. ???

I cut the bottom off the stock sending unit and the sump is mounted directly under it, the stock sending unit is helping to keep fuel from sloshing away from the sump when the level gets low.

Still don't understand why you would make a sump that's not gravity feeding the fuel pump. But different strokes for different folks.

When the fuel pump is mounted above the tank, how is any sump going to gravity feed it?

I'm guessing that maybe the draw straw extends down into the "sump" therefore eliminating the 1/8th tank issue. I'm confused. Not trying to bash the op or FASS by any means, I just don't see how it works.


Where does the IP return and LP return lines feed back into the tank? Do they just drop from the top instead of into the canister like the stock system to keep a reserve?

I'm not trying to bash anyone either, just constructive discussion. :D

Stock return is still attached to the factory sending unit and dumps into the sending unit/sump just like stock. Fass return goes into the fitting in the top of the tank like all Fass draw straws

It might help with sucking air but I don't see how it would help keeping pressure.

It can't help with pressure, only a different pump or a different return setup can change pressures.

This system just removes the possibility of cutting the draw straw too short and having your truck run out of fuel before it's empty.
[/IMG]The sump kit that Khaoscustom used is designed to use the drawstraw to pull the fuel. The picture shows how close to the bottom of the sump the tube will pull fuel. The sump has a hole drilled into it to allow customers the option to put the suction line on the sump or use a draw tube. The factory return is still in the same location and the FASS return will be at the top of the bulk head fitting as well as the suction. We have an option where you can purchase just the sump kit without the draw tube kit. It will help keep pressure steady by not entraining alot of air into the system.
Ain't this just the thread of the day. LOL

Thanks for clarifing the stock cansiter was still in place. If you mentioned it, I missed it. I was seeing that installed as a stand-a-lone and though...w...t...h... :D
Still don't understand why you would make a sump that's not gravity feeding the fuel pump. But different strokes for different folks.

If the pump is mounted higher than the fuel level, like most pumps are, it doesn't matter if you use a drawsraw or a sump, gravity feed won't happen.
Guess I don't understand why if you plan on a sump you would not use it to its full advantage.
Jesus a sump isn't going to gravity feed the pump if the pump is above the tank.

I like it, if I was going to waste my money on a sump.
I agree with Joe ^. This looks like any other sump, just with the option of a line going thru the top. Gravity isn't going to help a pump that's mounted on the frame anyway. I can't believe how many sumps are being sold now days. I still have a 1/2" draw straw, run 1/4 tank of fuel at the track and never have issues!
I agree with Joe ^. This looks like any other sump, just with the option of a line going thru the top. Gravity isn't going to help a pump that's mounted on the frame anyway. I can't believe how many sumps are being sold now days. I still have a 1/2" draw straw, run 1/4 tank of fuel at the track and never have issues!

Glad to hear it. That is not the case for everybody though. If I drive my truck past 1/4 tank it gets a little sketchy.
i need half a tank or more at track or 1/4 tank on the street or it sucks air....with twin sumps/pumps
i need half a tank or more at track or 1/4 tank on the street or it sucks air....with twin sumps/pumps

This is why every fuel cell with a sump either has foam in it or baffles around the sump to control slosh from acceleration, decceleration and cornering.