May 30th Big Rigs MIR Whos Comin out??

All in all a good race. I had a good time, made it to semis and got beat by a duracrapppp... I think he was sandbaggin all day. Oh well still was fun, ran my best at 12.1 at 109. I guess its time for some spray.....:ft:.....

That's better than my 13.5 @ it over heated and created some head gasket issues. :(

It was nice to hang out with Leonard, Scott, and Todd.

P.S. you guys left early and I coulndt find you, we went back to my place for a cook out afterwards.

Dude, I was pretty dejected after that last pass...13.4 @ 94 ish...I probably shouldn't have run it after the first pass. But I think it helped find the source of the issues. And the oil in the coolant.