Truckers, lets see your rigs!

How many trucks are running out there with air to air? No matter the turbo setup they all work the same, same goes for wether it is a 7L engine with air to air or a 18L engine.
I know that on the electronic marine engines they use air to water and every setup I have seen does have a drain on it, but that still doesn't explain how something is freezing out side of winter when the outlet temp of the air to air would still be over 100* and so would the temp of the metal of the air to air
It's my humble opinion that is a load of shyt.
The Peterson grinder I had window the block was due to a straight path for rain water to enter the exhaust. It Hydro-locked, cut itself in half and destroyed the hydraulic PTO (food for thought)

It's my opinion that even if ice were frozen into the intercooler, the Inlet air (in excess of 100 degrees F) is only going to interact with the face of a block of Ice, not dislodge it.
If It's warranty, it's their baby. Just don't let them spin around after they told you its warranty, get told to pound sand, and then try to bill you.

See this is where I would be at the point I'd rely on what Cat was telling me. My level of experience was some diagnostics, did pretty good with tracking down electric bugs, parts changer, weld/fab. When it came to going internal on an engine, I know what the parts are and how they work together but not an engine builder.

Smells a little funny to me though. This is an open air setup, so nothing retains a lot of heat. My humble opinion is this.... I know air moving through the intercooler at a high velocity can cool moisture (we live in a VERY humid area) and eventually cause the build up of water. However, I would not think it could get cold enough to freeze and create this "block of ice" while the machine is running. I'll see if I can find a picture of the unit or one like it.
It's my humble opinion that is a load of shyt.
The Peterson grinder I had window the block was due to a straight path for rain water to enter the exhaust. It Hydro-locked, cut itself in half and destroyed the hydraulic PTO (food for thought)

It's my opinion that even if ice were frozen into the intercooler, the Inlet air (in excess of 100 degrees F) is only going to interact with the face of a block of Ice, not dislodge it.
If It's warranty, it's their baby. Just don't let them spin around after they told you its warranty, get told to pound sand, and then try to bill you.

Company also has a Peterson 4710B with a C-16. Never had a bit of trouble out of it and I don't know HOW MANY THOUSANDS of hours are on it.

Was this during winter?

Columbia,SC about two weeks ago. 98* plus 90% humidity days. We pray for "winter" if you can even call it that here.
I would think that because your not running it 24/7 that eventually it would "Melt" the "ice Bock" and evaporate this and send a bunch of water vapor into 1 or multiple cylinders, some what safley, I just dont see how running an engine with any kind of exhaust temps could cause ice ..?

maybe a small gulp of melted Ice/ now water, could hydro the said cylinder ..?
I would think that because your not running it 24/7 that eventually it would "Melt" the "ice Bock" and evaporate this and send a bunch of water vapor into 1 or multiple cylinders, some what safley, I just dont see how running an engine with any kind of exhaust temps could cause ice ..?

maybe a small gulp of melted Ice/ now water, could hydro the said cylinder ..?

This was exactly what I was thinking.
Welp... Looks like in 3 weeks I'll be done dump trucking. Hopefully it all pans out. I'll be getting demoted truck wise though.
I had to do something... I'm burnt out on dump trucking. My main reason though is the scare of another repeat winter from last year keeps me up at night and worries me to death from day to day. My age completely screws me...
I had a job pulling a hopper lined up and accepted running a big done up 900l that had been lowered and what not but he didn't own his own trailers, the trailer insurance wouldn't clear me.
I have a friend that has been trying to get me to go drive for him for some time. I wouldn't ever do it because of his trucks not having hoods... Well I caved.

Here's the curbsniffer I'll be piloting.
Last edited: could be a LOT worse, do what makes you money and get a few years experience under your hat. You've got a long life ahead of ya to drive the hoods.
I can't even tell you how many piles of chit I've driven in the 7 years I've had a CDL. haha could be a LOT worse, do what makes you money and get a few years experience under your hat. You've got a long life ahead of ya to drive the hoods.

Oh I know. That's why I'm doing it. It's a nice truck by all means, very clean... Just no hood.
It's a foot in the door.

Right now I'm more concerned with good year round pay rather than making good money in summer and starving in the winter.

It just means a lot to me to drive a truck I like. That's all.
I drove an international 9400i no hood POS for 6 months......I know how it feels to drive a junker, that truck doesn't look bad at all
I drove an international 9400i no hood POS for 6 months......I know how it feels to drive a junker, that truck doesn't look bad at all

At least I'll be pulling a nice wagon. 2 rows of 9 down the side. Lit up back... They are sweet.
Since when does that hood make you more money, I understand wanting to look the part, but making a living should come first before the looks.
Since when does that hood make you more money, I understand wanting to look the part, but making a living should come first before the looks.

Read the posts fully... Then get back to me.
I understood that you had to point out that it was a large w900l, I also get that the insurance is a beotch. No matter what I would do what ever it takes to get the seat time and experience, no matter what I had to sit my a$$ in to do it.