Truckers, lets see your rigs!

I understood that you had to point out that it was a large w900l, I also get that the insurance is a beotch. No matter what I would do what ever it takes to get the seat time and experience, no matter what I had to sit my a$$ in to do it.

I'm not sure what we are trying to get at exactly...
Best way I can explain myself I guess is this.
2 driving jobs, pulling the same runs, making essentially the same money... But you either have a 900l or a slope nose Pete. Which one are you gonna choose? could be a LOT worse, do what makes you money and get a few years experience under your hat. You've got a long life ahead of ya to drive the hoods.

No kiddin man. I don't even drive anymore and every time I pass somebody stuck in a POS 62MPH truck I just feel sorry for them guys.
No kiddin man. I don't even drive anymore and every time I pass somebody stuck in a POS 62MPH truck I just feel sorry for them guys.

I don't... We all make choices and we choose where we go. You want somethin, you do what you gotta do to get it. I simply won't fall to the level of driving for a big company like that.
I'm not sure what we are trying to get at exactly...
Best way I can explain myself I guess is this.
2 driving jobs, pulling the same runs, making essentially the same money... But you either have a 900l or a slope nose Pete. Which one are you gonna choose?

Wouldn't matter to me, I'd run what was available, I'm partial to the KW but that's not because of the hood, it could be a t600/800/660 and I would still be okay driving it.
Wouldn't matter to me, I'd run what was available, I'm partial to the KW but that's not because of the hood, it could be a t600/800/660 and I would still be okay driving it.

Well it's not like I got fired or anything. I am choosing to leave on my own accord.
What I drive matters to me. However, as I've stated, a good year round pay check has taken a higher priority than driving what I am now. Therefore I'm gonna be in what was available in a good job, which happens to be the blue Pete.
Peterbilt guys....sheesh.

We have a T800 and a 389 Short hood....Yes, long hood Pete's look good, but if the damn thing won't run and is a pile of chit, you won't make a dime. I worry about them running, pulling, and stopping first, and then they need to look decent enough to get the job done.

Looks only get you jobs, they don't keep them. And most people could care less if it's a Pete, or a Mack, as long as it looks like you care about it....which means you'll care about the job they hired you for.

IMHO, I know it doesn't matter at all....
This has strayed way way off... I give up.

But I agree, looks are everything whether it's a Pete, a Mack, a Volvo... Then you have to carry your act out in a good manner.
I had this debate with a friend of mine who thinks fuel mileage is king, he asked me why I bought a hood instead of getting an older freightliner or a Volvo, I told him I bought a hood because they're classy trucks, easier to find parts for, and far more durable. He said that was just an excuse and that someday I'll realize fuel mileage is more important than class......someone please put a bullet in my worthless carcass and throw the body off of a bridge if I EVER buy an aero truck.
I had this debate with a friend of mine who thinks fuel mileage is king, he asked me why I bought a hood instead of getting an older freightliner or a Volvo, I told him I bought a hood because they're classy trucks, easier to find parts for, and far more durable. He said that was just an excuse and that someday I'll realize fuel mileage is more important than class......someone please put a bullet in my worthless carcass and throw the body off of a bridge if I EVER buy an aero truck.

I'm glad I'm not the only one...
I really can't wrap my brain around that concept, don't haul cheap loads and you won't have to be stressing about fuel mileage constantly. In my line of work fuel mileage doesn't fkking matter, we're not setting the cruise and going for a 2000+ mile trip so there is absolutely no advantage to putting us all in limp dick hoods, they won't get any better mileage than the W9L's or 379's.
That's like a dump truck... You might as well not even look at fuel mileage. It sucks. Haha
It would be the guys out there that are getting 6-7 mpg doing the same job as you T that are putting more in their pocket at the end of the day, I think that is the way to look at it.
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That's like a dump truck... You might as well not even look at fuel mileage. It sucks. Haha
Bingo, if you're in the heavy haul, off road, or local farm commodity hauling world and you think an aero truck is gonna save you on fuel costs.......I've got bad news for ya.
When I was pulling hoppers the guys with the new aero 386's/T660's were averaging 4.5ish and the Volvo trucks were pulling 4 at best, Why? Because the curb sniffers had 485hp ISX motors, and the volvos were running the D13 550 cat without a tune was pulling 4.6 for a monthly average, the tune only made it better, it bumped me to about 5.2. That's proof right there that bubble nose trucks are a joke unless you're hooked on a box running coast to coast.
It would be the guys out there that are getting 6-7 mpg doing the same job as you T that are putting more in their pocket at the end of the day, I think that is the way to look at it.

That's just it... In any line of work I've done thus far, nothing gets any better than the other. It's all crap. Therefore you might as well till around in what you like that will pull the hinges off the gates of hell and just run with it.
When I was pulling hoppers the guys with the new aero 386's/T660's were averaging 4.5ish and the Volvo trucks were pulling 4 at best, Why? Because the curb sniffers had 485hp ISX motors, and the volvos were running the D13 550 cat without a tune was pulling 4.6 for a monthly average, the tune only made it better, it bumped me to about 5.2. That's proof right there that bubble nose trucks are a joke unless you're hooked on a box running coast to coast.

No, that's proof that the engines are chit, nothing more.
That's just it... In any line of work I've done thus far, nothing gets any better than the other. It's all crap. Therefore you might as well till around in what you like that will pull the hinges off the gates of hell and just run with it.

From T's numbers I can tell you that the classic xl that my dad drives hauling grain is well into the 6s. So on an average day of say 400 miles for my dad his truck burns 64 gallons of fuel at 6.2mpg, at 5.2 it would be 76 gallons, if fuel is $4.00 a gallon that's $48 a day difference and at the end of the week $240 difference, so to me any little gain in mileage is more money in the pocket.

Oh, the classic has a 500hp 6nz, 18spd, and 3.55s.
When you're constantly accelerating/decelerating, in and out of fields, comes down to the driver's ability to operate efficiently, not if you have an aero truck or a hood.
:pop: I'm loving this debate. Both sides are making valid points, interesting to follow this segment of the thread.

Question for anyone who has driven one. I haven't messed with or driven any DPF/DEF equipped trucks. I know they're a mechanical nightmare, I'm just curious how they compare in MPG. How bad did it hurt truck engines? Again, just from an MPG standpoint, I think we all know how much havoc these things have wreaked on motors and how much better they run without that mess.