2013 MDTDC FALL BRAWL! October 19-20th 2013

Dmitri, you have to be fair to Jason, he does spend a lot of time waxing his truck....

As far as the events are concerned wade I sàid that engine has 70 passes on it and 52 dyno pulls which it does .... I've ran the **** our of that engine .. I stuck an injector after the 1856 run but it came out of it ... Truck runs great and loaded itself
As far as VA outlaw ... Buddy buddy take your loss like a ****ing man and shut up !!!! You did not spin on the Rollers you dynoed 8 ****ing times .. Guess what bud competition was only 3 runs period .. You think you get special attention cause your va ... No!!! When you beat me I took my loss like a man and got the **** off the rollers !!! I told your ass I was coming big ...you knew it and I still surprised you welcome to the club !!!!! You did not make 3000 foot pounds ... What you did do was make a dam impressive number ... Took your loss like the unsportsmanlike person I knew you would be and are still ****ing crying !!!!! You have a bad ass truck but suck as a competitor .... You think it was easy to get my first loss in 7 years against you in spring !!!!huh ... No !!!! When you show up in spring you better be ready to run 3 runs and pack it up !!!!! No crying wining or bs .... No show boat display of bull ****!!! I told you in spring I was not ready ... You didn't believe me and got bit hard .. Welcome to the party !!!!!!!

dimitri dimitri dimitri

You must lay off the drugs and alcohol ... To call US unsportsmanlike is unbelievable . We were called two days before the event by the organizers saying they were having a hard time trying to accommodate your race truck on the rollers due to the exhaust. WE offered to bring up all our exhaust stuff from OUR dyno and to even go out and BUY the parts you would need since you were already on the road.

The crap you and your fluffers talk on facebook is unbelievable , your sponsors must be idiots having you out there representing their companies.

YOU cried because the organizers would not make me go first ( even though I went first at the last event )

YOU got all worked up when they would not black out the screen while you were on the dyno.

The class we both run in had only ONE RULE ... HOOD MUST SHUT .. Your race truck had NO hood or even fenders for that matter. We didn't say a thing about that.

YOU grabbed our dyno sheet and put a huge smiley face on it then signed your name and had one of your fluffers bring it to us.

As for running 8 times ... We ran 7. 4 on day one and 3 on day two. 4 + 3 = 7

As far as the 3000+ torque ... Do the math .
On day one's tune our first pull was 1758hp at 2942rpms = 3136 torque
second pull was 1720hp at 2752rpms =3280 torque

If you paid attention our torque flat lined at 2500 on the dyno sheets for about 5 inches since their dyno will only read to 2500.

In the end your sponsored race truck beat my street truck by 37 hp ... congratulations
and btw I am driving it into work today ....
Seems I've found my source for entertainment for my 2.5 hour commute
dimitri dimitri dimitri

You must lay off the drugs and alcohol ... To call US unsportsmanlike is unbelievable . We were called two days before the event by the organizers saying they were having a hard time trying to accommodate your race truck on the rollers due to the exhaust. WE offered to bring up all our exhaust stuff from OUR dyno and to even go out and BUY the parts you would need since you were already on the road.

The crap you and your fluffers talk on facebook is unbelievable , your sponsors must be idiots having you out there representing their companies.

YOU cried because the organizers would not make me go first ( even though I went first at the last event )

YOU got all worked up when they would not black out the screen while you were on the dyno.

The class we both run in had only ONE RULE ... HOOD MUST SHUT .. Your race truck had NO hood or even fenders for that matter. We didn't say a thing about that.

YOU grabbed our dyno sheet and put a huge smiley face on it then signed your name and had one of your fluffers bring it to us.

As for running 8 times ... We ran 7. 4 on day one and 3 on day two. 4 + 3 = 7

As far as the 3000+ torque ... Do the math .
On day one's tune our first pull was 1758hp at 2942rpms = 3136 torque
second pull was 1720hp at 2752rpms =3280 torque

If you paid attention our torque flat lined at 2500 on the dyno sheets for about 5 inches since their dyno will only read to 2500.

In the end your sponsored race truck beat my street truck by 37 hp ... congratulations
and btw I am driving it into work today ....

Lmfao hahahaha my sponsored race truck that's a good one mark :))) listeningto you run your mouth over and over and over just makes the win soooooooo much sweeter :) ohhhhhhhhh must have a hood now ... You want plates and registration to homo lol I seem to remember yôu having a completely different tune when you beat my 9 sec daily driver back in march ;) hey idiot has that Piece of **** ever even ran 10,s ;) yes I wanted to go last cause I wanted to race the next weekend ... Plus I knew what you had under the hood and was going to put a couple hundred on your crying ass ... Just FYI buddy I only sprayed 2 of the 3 had that injector not stuck you would have seen what 2k in person looked like :)) ohhhhhhhh yes the screen lmao god you cried just as much over that as your crying now lol seems to me you had quite the amount if **** to talk yourself buddy .... And I shoved it right down your god dam throat I hope it taste good ... Oh last thing my daily driven res truck has laid down 1799 un corrected pulling a loaded 40 foot trailer to the dyno :)) so before you wanna brag about nothing cause your nothing wake the **** cause you got your ass handed to you hope it felt good ..... Cause believe me thousands of people are loving it :)))
Winning is winning wether it's by an inch or a mile .. But hey mark cool story bro glad i got to hear all your excuses come out just like I knew their would be ... Has to have a hood lmfao god your a joke ... My sponsors stand behind me they know the **** I talk but I back it up !!!!!! If I was a dick like you I would be in your shoes with no sponsors and a loss now shut up about all you wining and excuses .... 4,5 runs who gives a **** competition is 3 runs mark then you get the **** off the dyno .. Just like I did the in spring .... You get no special treatment till you prove your self .. You wanted claim to fame off a fluke win only cause I was not ready in red as it was retired from running 9,s something you will never do back in 2011...then talked all your **** then got beat down like the unproven one hit wonder you were .... So congrats on that ;) ps see you in the spring were 1 to 1 now ***** ... But see I don't underestimate you enough to go and run my mouth before spring fling like you did in spring ... Your a true competitor and a dick all I'm going to say is don't blow up another engine the week before and borrow one from Greg again ;) oh yes we know the truth .. Glad to see Greg's engine held up sounds like that was the only chance you had to even show up lmao I only had 70 passes and 50 dynoes from actually competing on a national level before I came tho ;) but hey at least you drive yours to work with 2 engines in 2 weeks hahahaha this is so priceless I will smile till spring ;)
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Dimitri whats up bud... Couldnt be there this weekend.. See ya soon... Congrats on the numbers...
Hey mark last thing can you post a pic of that signed dyno sheet lmao I would love to go back in time for a split moment :))
dimitri dimitri dimitri

You must lay off the drugs and alcohol ... To call US unsportsmanlike is unbelievable . We were called two days before the event by the organizers saying they were having a hard time trying to accommodate your race truck on the rollers due to the exhaust. WE offered to bring up all our exhaust stuff from OUR dyno and to even go out and BUY the parts you would need since you were already on the road.

The crap you and your fluffers talk on facebook is unbelievable , your sponsors must be idiots having you out there representing their companies.

YOU cried because the organizers would not make me go first ( even though I went first at the last event )

YOU got all worked up when they would not black out the screen while you were on the dyno.

The class we both run in had only ONE RULE ... HOOD MUST SHUT .. Your race truck had NO hood or even fenders for that matter. We didn't say a thing about that.

YOU grabbed our dyno sheet and put a huge smiley face on it then signed your name and had one of your fluffers bring it to us.

As for running 8 times ... We ran 7. 4 on day one and 3 on day two. 4 + 3 = 7

As far as the 3000+ torque ... Do the math .
On day one's tune our first pull was 1758hp at 2942rpms = 3136 torque
second pull was 1720hp at 2752rpms =3280 torque

If you paid attention our torque flat lined at 2500 on the dyno sheets for about 5 inches since their dyno will only read to 2500.

In the end your sponsored race truck beat my street truck by 37 hp ... congratulations
and btw I am driving it into work today ....

Yes you offered parts ... But you made this personal talking **** about red like you did a truck that's been running the world when you were just a small small little man !!!!! This will never be cool and war till we don't compete anymore ... So with that being said **** you till spring ...!!!
... Your a true competitor and a dick all I'm going to say is don't blow up another engine the week before and borrow one from Greg again ;) oh yes we know the truth ..

Hey you piece of **** I didn't borrow anything. I don't have to borrow , beg or steal parts... NOR DO I HAVE THE REPO MAN CHASING ME DOWN .......
As far as the **** head in my sig if you all want the truth just get the story from rolling big power

Why stoop to these guys level and ruin your own weekend's accomplishments by arguing with them here,just let your work and truck do the talking for you like you did this weekend.

I took my ass beating at Numidia from you like a competitor(I wasn't happy at all,but,it drives me for more)and shook your hand.You are a force that drives many of Us to keep the flame burning and working for more.We had mine strapped down this week tuning and it broke in the quest for more.It was unforeseen what happened but there will be times like this.I was very upset about it and didn't come because it would have killed me to not be able to do anything but watch.I know I don't have anything for you guys but was trying to make you a bit nervous,LOL.

Congratulations on the numbers laid down and Congratulations to all who came out and enjoyed the show.

I will get with you this week to pick up the banners and have them sent back...........Andy
dimitri , you were clearly a crack baby ..... I have never seen anyone skew the truth sooooooo much..
Holy sore winner... I guess I now know why I don't get upset about missing events anymore...