Tulsa OK all diesel day

I think I better find a car wash or they ain't gonna let me in the gate after yesterday's freakin' mud bog. :D
I'm looking at being there around mid day so let me know where to go Dex.
Alright Heath sounds good, also reminder to everyone, If you plan to run 13s you may or may not be required to wear a helmet, sometimes they require it, sometimes not.
Ill be out at test n tune on friday night, but as long as everythig goes good and I dont have a late night thrash fest then I would be up for some fun. Let me know what you guys have goin on..
I say we all meet and eat somewhere. Then hangout and shoot the bull for a few hours and go from there.
I think its my TC. I needed a looser one anyway. Oh well, looks like I'm done for the year.
I say we all meet and eat somewhere. Then hangout and shoot the bull for a few hours and go from there.

You know where I vote to eat. Ron's Hamburgers. Anyone down for the best hamburger in the state and a basket of fries? What time are you all wanting to meet? I vote me meet and eat about 11. That way we beat the lunch crowd and don't have to fight innocent people for chairs and tables no matter where we go.
